Saturday 6 July 2013

Herbal Home Remedies for Allergies

• Herbal tea
Take a raw ginger root and chop some. Boil water in a mug to make green tea. Take a green tea bag and place it in the mug with ginger boiled water. Now you can add a few drops of juice fresh lemon on it. Herbal tea reduces mucous secretions and clear nasal passages.
• Nettle
Nettle is one of the popular herbs that contain anti-inflammation properties to fight against allergy. Take some amount of dried Nettle and boil with hot water for a few minutes. Drink this infusion at least twice a day.
• Bromelain
This herb is one of the medically supported home remedies for allergies. It helps to lessen some major symptoms of allergies; such as ease the breath, clear the nasal passage, swelling.
• Honey
Honey is so far one of the best home remedies for allergies that can discourage your allergy by making a strong immune system against it. Honey contains some effective antioxidant and antibiotic properties that promote our inner body to boost up immune system. It’s important to take pure local honey and taking regularly to get maximum results.
• Face mask
You can protect home by using an air purifier or HEPA, but it’s also important to keep the environment in your favor. The best flexible ways to face outside environment change is using a simple face mask.
• Take spicy foods
Spicy foods especially cayenne pepper, onions, and garlic based foods help to reduce mucus secretions. You can take a hot spice like soup. Hot drinks or soup works as decongestants.

DIY Home Remedies for Allergies
• First and foremost
Sweeping your around clearly is a must using vacuum cleaner. Clear out all the corners where potential microns of dust are available. Don’t forget to sweep and vacuum the around at least once in a week.
• Make sure clean home environment
Our sweet dwelling can cause allergy and one of the common sources of getting allergy triggering element like dust mites pet dander, mold. Some stuff like bedding, mattress, pillow and floor carpet or others need to wash regularly. Using a vacuum with a HEPA filter can reduce dust in the air. You also need to protect a home environment form outside to make sure it allergy proof. You can use an air purifier to do that. To sum up, keeping the home environment day and clean as much possible is above all home remedies for allergies.
• Try to avoid pollen
Pollen is a serious element that truly triggers allergies. Trees, mold, grass and weeds are the main source of pollen outside. You can wear the face mask when pollen is prone to be high in the air or dealing with nature.
• Plant air filtering Plants
Ficus, Snake plants and Gerbera daisies are the popular and effective air filtering plants that filter air, removing harmful toxins, carbons, and formaldehyde.
• Replace your beddings and Carpet
Replacing beddings and carpet is a good initiative when you are dealing with allergies. You can use latex or synthetic covers for your pillows and mattress to keep them away from potential dust and allergens.

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