Saturday 6 July 2013

Duct tape to remove warts

Duct tape eliminates warts better than liquid nitrogen, according to a study in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. If you have a wart, cut a piece of duct tape slightly larger than the wart and apply it to the cleaned area. Every few days, remove the tape and exfoliate the wart with a pumice stone or nail file. Repeat until the wart is gone.

Scientists aren't sure why duct tape is so effective, but they reason that a chemical in the tape could be the cause. It could also be that duct tape irritates the area and stimulates the body's immune system to attack the wart.

Foods That Help To Cleanse The Liver~

Garlic-Just a small amount of garlic has the ability to activate liver enzymes that helps your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing.

*Grapefruit-High in both vitamin C and antioxidants, grapefruit increasea the natural cleansing processes of the liver. A small glass of freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice will help boost production of liver detoxification enzymes that help flush out carcinogens and other toxins.

*Leafy Green Vegetables-One of our most powerful allies in cleansing the liver, Extremely high in plant chlorophylls, greens literally suck up environmental toxins from the blood stream. With their distinct ability to nuetralize heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides, these cleansing foods offer a powerful protective mechanism for the liver.
Try incorporating leafy greens such as bitter gourd, arugula, dandelion greens, spinach, mustard greens and chicory into your diet. This will help increase the creation and flow of bile, the substance that removes waste from the organs and blood.

*Avocados-This nutrient-dense super-food helps the body produce glutathione, which is necessary for the liver to cleanse harmful toxins. Recent studies indicate improved liver health when avocados are eaten regular

*. Olive Oil-Cold-pressed organic oils such as olive, hemp and flax-seed are great for the liver, when used in moderation. They help the body by providing a lipid base that can suck up harmful toxins in the body. In this way, it takes some of the burden off the liver in terms of the toxic overload that many of us suffer from.

*Walnuts-Holding high amount of the amino acid arginine, walnuts aid the liver in detoxifying ammonia. Walnuts are also high in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids which support normal liver cleansing actions.

*Turmeric helps boost liver detox, by assisting enzymes that actively flush out known dietary carcinogens.

*.Herbal Green tea is loaded with catechins, a type of plant antioxidant that has been shown in studies to eliminate liver fat accumulation and promote proper liver function. This powerful herbal beverage also protects the liver against toxins that would otherwise accumulate and cause serious damage.

Home treatment of plantar warts

• In some cases, plantar warts have been known to go away all by themselves. It’s not a fast solution and can even take years to completely clear up. If your wart is small in size and does not bother you all that much, this might be the best and least evasive approach. You can use round shaped pads (corn pads for example) to help protect the area and keep you comfortable.

• Duct tape might sound like a strange idea but it is one of the most popular home remedies for plantar warts. Simply cover the affected area with s strip of duct tape and leave it there for 6 days. If the tape falls off, replace it immediately.

• In addition to the duct tape treatment, you can apply a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar to the wart. Vinegar is believed to help in the healing process.

• Before you get into bed, place a piece of banana peel over the wart and tape it down. You can do this during the day too. Provided you can still fit into your shoes with the banana peel in place. If not, simply use this as a night treatment.

• Salicylic acid is an effective form of wart treatment that you can administer yourself. It comes in the form of plasters and you can pick them up from your local pharmacy. Simply soak your foot in warm water for about 20 minutes and dry thoroughly. Cut the plaster to size and apply directly to the wart. Leave the plaster in place overnight and remove it in the morning. Once you remove the plaster, use an emery board, pumice stone or something along these lines to file away the dead skin. You will need to repeat this process each night until the wart is completely gone. • These warts are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) and warts generally appear when your immune system is compromised. Boost your immune system with lots of vitamins and healthy diet to give your body the tools it needs to fight the virus from the inside out.

Take care when using any of these home remedies for plantar warts and avoid using home wart freezing kits. If your wart seems unchanged after a couple of weeks or if you notice any alarming changes, contact your doctor immediately. Remember that these warts are easily identified by the presence of tiny black spots so make sure that you do indeed suffer from plantar warts before treating yourself.

12 Foods To Eat For Energy

Liver Detox Juice

Interesting Fact About Banana~

According to Japanese Scientific Research, full ripe banana with
dark patches on yellow skin produces a substance called TNF
(Tumor Necrosis Factor) which has the ability to combat
abnormal cells. The more darker patches it has the higher will be its immunity enhancement quality;
Hence, the riper the banana the better the anti-cancer quality.

Yellow skin banana with dark spots on it is 8x more effective in enhancing the property of white
blood cells than green skin version.
Eating 1-2 banana/s a day increases immunity.


Many people live their lives with healthy lungs and always fall prey to respiratory problems, and others smoke for 45 years, and there are still.

Not bring more mysteries than a regime of 3 days to give your lungs cleaning need. These steps will help.

It eliminates all dairy products two days before starting to clean. Dairy products may interfere with the detoxification process, since they are slowly digested by the body. The body must rid of toxins from dairy products much before starting to clean the lungs.

Drink 1 cup of herbal laxative tea before going to bed the night before the first day of regime. This frees the system of toxins in the intestines that may tend to begin a constipation. The lungs must not be overloaded work with locks in any part of the body during cleaning.

Squeeze 2 whole lemons in 300 milliliters of water before breakfast. This will prepare you to digest alkalizing foods that help the lungs to regenerate.

Drinking 300 milliliters of juice of grapefruit in the snack. If you don't like the taste of the juice, mix it with a bottle of mineral water or replace it with pineapple juice. These juices contain natural antioxidants that promote a healthy respiratory system.

Drinking 300 milliliters of pure carrot juice between breakfast and lunch. Carrot juice will help alkalize your blood during the 3 days of cleaning.

You have to drink 400 milliliters of a potassium-rich juice with lunch. Potassium is a powerful agent that acts as a tonic for cleaning when ingested in liquid form. It squeezed carrot, celery, spinach, parsley. A true disgust that changes your life.

400 Milliliters of cranberry juice drink before bedtime. It helps to fight bacteria in the lungs that can cause infections. Blueberries are powerful antioxidants.

Care of the body and exercise
A hot bath for 20 minutes every day. It is important to allow the body to lose toxins through perspiration as much as possible.

Once the day walks brisk. Walking promotes healthy breathing. As you walk, you focus on breathing slowly and fully. It keeps the pace.

Place 5 to 10 drops of eucalyptus in hot water. Then you put a dry towel on the back of the head and inhale the steam until the water is no longer hot. The properties of oil and steam can help loosen the mucus.

There may be many things that you can not afford in this regime to clean the lungs. If this is your case, limit yourself to carrot juice, juice of cranberry and walk for a week. They are the three pillars along with:

Don't smoke
Avoid caffeine
Consult your doctor

6 Health Benefits of Beetroots

Health benefits of Beetroots, Beetroots for healthy heart, Beetroot juice helps to lower high blood pressure.

Beetroots are rich in Vitamin B, it helps for skin health and hair growth. Including 1 glas Beetroot juice in our diet controls the high blood pressure and also improves the memory power.

1. No Fat : Beetroots doesn't contains fat as it helps us to reduce the desire of eating sweet. It will be beneficial for those who are dieting.

2. Boosts the Energy : Beetroots contains Carbohydrates and it helps to give instant energy.

3. Folic Acid : Folic Acid is essential for women as it helps to develop the fertility system. Instead of taking pills, Including Beetroot in your diet is the natural way of gaining folic acid in our body.

4. Nutrition : Many Parents feel that we are lack in providing nutritious food to the children, So Beetroots are the best nutritious foods as it contains Vitamin A, C, Magnesium, Calcium, Minerals, Potassium, Iron helps to provide the required energy and supplements to our body.

5. For Healthy Heart : Are you suffering from High blood pressure? then take 1 glass of beetroot juice daily. It Contains Nitrates, when it mixed with blood it produces nitric oxide which helps to reduce the blood pressure so can we yield good healthy condition heart.

6. Beetroot Juice : Taking Beetroot juice daily gives lot of benefits to us. It just contains not only Nitartes, these are the rich sources of Vitamins, Minerals, Amino acids. It also have the characteristic of fighting against cancer causing agents.

Herbs That Naturally Treat And Prevent Colon Cancer

Benefits Of Cucumbers

Signs of Nutritional Deficiencies

Health Benefits of Pineapple

6 essential blood tests that may prevent you dying from heart disease

Cholesterol is not one of them
Your doctor has probably not ordered these tests for you

Self Check Cholesterol Test - Kits can be ordered in this page.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and every 25 seconds somebody has a heart attack. Heart disease is often described as a silent killer because it may give no warning signs at all. A heart attack typically strikes a middle aged person who considers they are fighting fit.

Approximately 50 percent of people who have had a heart attack, did not have elevated cholesterol levels. Cholesterol status is a poor indicator of risk of heart disease anyway, but my point is that a significant number of people who have had a heart attack did not see it coming.

In the medical literature there is a great deal of information about what really causes heart disease and what the true risk factors are. Unfortunately most of this information never makes it to the public. On television and in newspapers you tend to hear the same old message – avoid saturated fat and keep your blood cholesterol as low as possible, and that should protect you from heart disease.

There is much more to the story, and cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease. If you wish to be proactive about your health, here are 6 blood tests you must have.

HbA1c (also known as glycated hemoglobin)
This test measures your average blood sugar level for the previous 3 months. Specifically it checks how much glucose is bound to the hemoglobin in your red blood cells. Red blood cells live for 3 months. It is important to know your fasting blood sugar level. Diabetics are at much greater risk of heart attacks and strokes, even if they have low blood fats such as cholesterol. Worryingly, even mildly elevated blood sugar is a significant risk factor for heart disease.

Usually this blood test is only given to diabetics, but there are millions of people with undiagnosed diabetes, and people in that gray zone between normal blood sugar and diabetes. Ideally you want your HbA1c to be below 5.5. If you need help getting your level down, see the eating plan in my book Diabetes Type 2: You Can Reverse It.

Elevated homocysteine is a risk factor for much more than just heart disease; if your level is high you are also more prone to depression, infertility, osteoporosis and dementia. That’s quite a list of serious diseases. Having too much homocysteine in your body can have an abrasive scratching effect on the inner lining of your arteries. This promotes oxidative damage, clot formation and plaque accumulation.

The most effective way to lower your homocysteine level is to increase your intake of B vitamins; particularly B12, B6 and folic acid, as found in these capsules.

Vitamin D
It was once thought that the only function of vitamin D in our body was to enable calcium absorption for strong bones. We now know that vitamin D acts more like a hormone than a vitamin in our body and every cell of our body has a vitamin D receptor. That means it has numerous functions and benefits.

We make vitamin D when we expose our skin to the sun’s UVB rays. Many people lead indoor lifestyles and therefore do not produce sufficient levels of vitamin D in their body. In fact several studies have shown the average person has insufficient levels of vitamin D in their blood.

People without enough vitamin D are more prone to high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and an inability to lose weight. These are all risk factors for heart disease. Vitamin D also has a natural anti-inflammatory effect and too much inflammation promotes oxidation of cholesterol, which can harm the arteries.

An optimal blood level of vitamin D is between 30 and 50 ng/mL. Most people require approximately 5000 IU of natural vitamin D3 each day to maintain this level.

C reactive protein
This is a protein your body produces in large amounts if there is a great deal of inflammation in your body. It is not a specific test because inflammation can be caused by several different factors. Infections, immune system disorders, obesity and diabetes can all raise inflammation. If this is allowed to continue, you may have a greatly increased risk of heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis and macular degeneration.

Some researchers believe elevated C reactive protein is a much bigger risk factor for a heart attack than raised cholesterol.

Losing weight and consuming more vegetables can help to lower C reactive protein. Overt infections and hidden infections need to be treated as well. Fish oil and magnesium help to lower C reactive protein.

LDL particle size
LDL stands for Low Density Lipoprotein and it is a type of cholesterol that’s commonly referred to as “bad” cholesterol. It’s really not that bad; we need some of this cholesterol in our body. You have probably had a blood test where the total number of LDL particles was measured. In fact, a more useful test is to have their particle size checked. Small, dense LDL cholesterol particles are far more plaque producing than large, fluffy LDL cholesterol particles. A standard cholesterol blood test does not differentiate between small, dense LDL and fluffy, large LDL.

Thyroid function test
If your thyroid gland is underactive, this can increase your cholesterol and other blood fats. It will probably also cause you to gain weight, and raises your risk of developing syndrome X (also known as metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance). An underactive thyroid gland is called hypothyroidism and it is remarkably common.

If you have not had a blood test to check your thyroid gland in the last couple of years, please have one soon. The main hormone to get tested is TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone). In order to get a more complete picture of your thyroid gland health, it is best to also have a blood test for T4, T3 and thyroid antibodies. I have explained this in detail in my book Your Thyroid Problems Solved.

As you can see, there is so much more to preventing heart disease than just focusing on cholesterol. If you would like to learn more about protecting your heart, see my book Cholesterol: The Real Truth.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

Why are people with diabetes told to consume less fat in their diet?

A. There are two reasons why people with diabetes are typically recommended a low fat diet - one, increased fat in the body interferes with glucose uptake by the cells. Thus, lower fat levels in the body help manage blood glucose levels more effectively. Secondly, certain kinds of fat are deposited in the arteries, leading to plaque, thus leading to heart disease and hypertension - the single biggest risk of death in people with diabetes. Diabetics are more prone to the formation of arterial plaque and hence, need to consume less fat.
However, do remember, a low-fat diet does not necessarily mean a high-carb diet.

The Importance of Exercise

Effective Weight Loss Remedy

Lemon For clearee skin


Fact About Tea & health benefits **

Tea leaves come from the Camellia sinensis plant. They contain antioxidants that counter free radicals, which can damage cells. Antioxidants may reduce or help prevent some of this damage.

The difference between the three main varieties of tea (green, black, and oolong) is the process used to make them. Black tea is exposed to air, or fermented, which darkens the leaves and gives them flavor. Green tea is made by heating or quickly steaming the leaves. Oolong tea leaves are partially fermented.

Some studies show that drinking green tea may help curb a few heart disease risk factors, including body weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol absorption. However, the FDA denied a petition filed by a green tea maker that wanted to put heart-health claims on its product's label, ruling that there wasn’t credible scientific evidence to support the claims. There’s no hard evidence that drinking tea can prevent cancer in people in general; many factors affect cancer risk. However, several studies have linked drinking tea to a lower risk of cancer for some people.

Herbal teas are not made from the Camellia sinensis plant and are not really teas at all. Herbal teas are an infusion of leaves, roots, bark, seeds, or flowers from other types of plants. Common herbal teas include chamomile and mint. They are not associated with the potential health benefits of green, black, or oolong tea.

You get the most antioxidants from freshly brewed tea; those compounds are reduced in instant tea, decaffeinated tea, and bottled tea. Researchers have not determined how many cups of freshly brewed green tea are recommended each day, but people in Asia typically drink at least three cups daily.

15 remedies to treat diabetes at home

• Natural uncooked food: Natural uncooked food is the best medicine for all types of diseases. They have got their own enzymes. They are not diluted with chemicals. Food such as sprouts, fruits, juices, nuts and so on can be taken raw. Eating a diet rich in fibre helps the body to absorb sugars slowly, which in turn keeps blood sugar levels balanced. Soluble type of fibre does the best job of stabilising blood sugar levels. Apples, apricots, beets, berries, carrots, citrus fruits, parsnips, and winter squash are some fruits and vegetables which are rich in soluble fibre. Soluble fibre is also helpful in lowering elevated LDL cholesterol levels, a serious problem in many people with diabetes.
• Whole sum diet: Diet which is a combination of vegetables and fruits get a rich array of antioxidants such as vitamin C. Antioxidants prevents the oxidation and damage of artery walls, which otherwise can lead to plaque build-up and heart disease.
• Exercise: Exercise has the potential to control the diabetes by nonmedical means. It reduces the severity of the disease and significantly reduces the risk of long-term complications. The energy needed for exercise can help people to lose weight which helps to take some of the risk related to central obesity. Exercise is known to increase insulin sensitivity which essentially helps to tackle the root cause of type 2 diabetes. Also, regular exercise can also help to reduce cholesterol levels and help people to reduce high blood pressure. Even a little extra activity each day can help.
• Meditation: Meditation lowers the insulin resistance in our body. Stress hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenalin intensify the production of insulin and glucose levels. Reducing these neurohormones through the Transcendental Meditation technique helps to balance glucose and insulin in the blood. This helps to normalize metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
• Basil leaves: Basil leaves have power to lower blood sugar levels. Basil leaves contain potent antioxidants that relieve oxidative stress; it's this stress that compounds problems in diabetics.
• Cactus juice and flax seeds: Cactus juice from is also helpful. Cactus juice can help decrease and stabilize blood glucose and insulin levels. Consuming flax seed reduces postprandial sugar level by 28 per cent.
• Leaves of bilberry plant and cinnamon: The leaves of the bilberry plant are known to lower blood sugar levels. Also, 1gram cinnamon in the diet for a month lowers the blood sugar levels
• Green tea: This tea is unfermented and hence has high polyphenol content, which has strong antioxidant and hypoglycaemic effects. The polyphenols help in a controlled release of blood sugars.
• Drumstick leaves: The fibre content in the leaves increases satiety and slows the breakdown of food.
• Isabgol: Also known as psyllium husk is often used as a laxative. When isabgol comes in contact with water, it swells to form a gel-like substance. This slows the breakdown and absorption of blood glucose. Metformin, a drug commonly used in diabetic treatment, can upset your stomach for which isabgol works as a save guard.

Sphincter Formation Of Hemorrhoid


Spinach has more nutrients per calorie, than any other food.
It is full of vitamins (A,K,D,E,)
Is a good source of omega 3
Has more than a dozen different flavonoid compounds that function as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agents
Alkalizes the body
Carotenoids in spinach protect against eye diseases
It strengthens the bones has Vitamin k as well as magnesium and calcium.

Herbal Home Remedies for Allergies

• Herbal tea
Take a raw ginger root and chop some. Boil water in a mug to make green tea. Take a green tea bag and place it in the mug with ginger boiled water. Now you can add a few drops of juice fresh lemon on it. Herbal tea reduces mucous secretions and clear nasal passages.
• Nettle
Nettle is one of the popular herbs that contain anti-inflammation properties to fight against allergy. Take some amount of dried Nettle and boil with hot water for a few minutes. Drink this infusion at least twice a day.
• Bromelain
This herb is one of the medically supported home remedies for allergies. It helps to lessen some major symptoms of allergies; such as ease the breath, clear the nasal passage, swelling.
• Honey
Honey is so far one of the best home remedies for allergies that can discourage your allergy by making a strong immune system against it. Honey contains some effective antioxidant and antibiotic properties that promote our inner body to boost up immune system. It’s important to take pure local honey and taking regularly to get maximum results.
• Face mask
You can protect home by using an air purifier or HEPA, but it’s also important to keep the environment in your favor. The best flexible ways to face outside environment change is using a simple face mask.
• Take spicy foods
Spicy foods especially cayenne pepper, onions, and garlic based foods help to reduce mucus secretions. You can take a hot spice like soup. Hot drinks or soup works as decongestants.

DIY Home Remedies for Allergies
• First and foremost
Sweeping your around clearly is a must using vacuum cleaner. Clear out all the corners where potential microns of dust are available. Don’t forget to sweep and vacuum the around at least once in a week.
• Make sure clean home environment
Our sweet dwelling can cause allergy and one of the common sources of getting allergy triggering element like dust mites pet dander, mold. Some stuff like bedding, mattress, pillow and floor carpet or others need to wash regularly. Using a vacuum with a HEPA filter can reduce dust in the air. You also need to protect a home environment form outside to make sure it allergy proof. You can use an air purifier to do that. To sum up, keeping the home environment day and clean as much possible is above all home remedies for allergies.
• Try to avoid pollen
Pollen is a serious element that truly triggers allergies. Trees, mold, grass and weeds are the main source of pollen outside. You can wear the face mask when pollen is prone to be high in the air or dealing with nature.
• Plant air filtering Plants
Ficus, Snake plants and Gerbera daisies are the popular and effective air filtering plants that filter air, removing harmful toxins, carbons, and formaldehyde.
• Replace your beddings and Carpet
Replacing beddings and carpet is a good initiative when you are dealing with allergies. You can use latex or synthetic covers for your pillows and mattress to keep them away from potential dust and allergens.

Unusual Uses For Lemon Juice

Most Help Full Tips

Effective Restless Leg Syndrome Health Tips

• I just walk
In most case keeping your leg busy is the best healthy way to deal with restless leg syndrome besides following other home remedies. Get up and walk around when the time comes and you will be able to postpone it. Maintain a light walk habit daily has shown positive effects to make protest against night attack. Gradually you will have control over it. Most of the successful story ends up with this line – I just walk.
• Apply temperature technique
Restless leg syndrome home remedies tend to have different impacts among people because of body nature, DNA or just a weather calamity. For restless leg syndrome here’s the tip- try hot water, warm bath and heating pads or dip leg into cool water, cold pads and towel; using alternative can work out.
• Take a bath or massage
Before going to bed a warm bath or massage can be helpful. It will relax your muscles that can get rid of you from having a bad night.
• Take care of your tea
Tea and coffee contains caffeine. So be conscious about consuming these in high amount. Instead of having drinks contains caffeine you can drink chamomile tea. People say it improves sleeping habits.
• Control your bedtime
It’s better to make bedtime habit and stick to it as possible. Our body and mind takes preparation if it becomes a daily habit. And when we get up about same time maintaining schedule it add an extra value.
• Having an orgasm
Yes you can add it to your checklist. Many people described this as one of best restless leg syndrome home remedies. With sex or having orgasm in another way; all of the muscles in your body tighten and releases excess energy from your body. It can decrease the level or completely reduce the symptoms for that night. In this issue there is no medical assurance but people having this problem often suggest it.
• Eating habits
Some mineral ingredients like iron and magnesium may help for supporting from inside. Take a list of food that contains this nutrient and add them to your daily diet as a supplemental.
• Rubbing and wearing socks
Some found it as one of the useful restless leg syndrome home remedies in critical situation. Use vicks vapor or other things like this, then rub it gently and wear a pair of socks. Wearing socks is beneficial according to doctors also.

Odd home Health Tips for everyday maladies

1. Rub your ears to boost energy: Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee, give your ears a gentle self-massage. According to Chinese medicine, stimulating the pressure points in the ears increases blood circulation to all parts of the body, giving you an instant energy boost.

2. Cure hiccups with peanut butter: Chewing and swallowing the sticky spread will interrupt your breathing pattern and force your diaphragm to relax.

3. Use honey to soothe a sore throat: A natural antibacterial and antifungal agent, honey can help coat and soothe sore throats and alleviate minor coughs.

4. Blow-dry waterlogged ears: Put a hair dryer on the gentlest setting and hold it a few inches away from your ear. The increased airflow will help to evaporate the water in your ear.

5. Make warts disappear with garlic: Garlic — which has been shown to have antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties — is thought to be an effective home remedy for warts. Apply a freshly cut garlic clove to the wart, place a bandage over it, and leave the bandage on overnight. Repeat every night until the wart disappears.

6. Blow on your thumb to calm jangled nerves: The thumb has its own pulse, and blowing on the thumb will cool down the thumb and thus calm the heart rate, as cold air can slow down your pulse. This trick might also help simply because the act of blowing forces you to deepen your breathing, which calms the heart.

7. Sniff peppermint to quell a craving: Chew mint gum, sip peppermint tea or take a whiff of peppermint oil. Studies suggest that the scent of peppermint stimulates the brain to release appetite-suppressing hormones and promotes a feeling of fullness.

8. Curl your toes to fall asleep faster: The next time you find yourself tossing and turning, try a progressive muscle relaxation technique. Begin by slowly curling and uncurling your toes. Then, work your way up the entire body, from your toes to your neck, tightening a certain muscle group before releasing it.
9. Smile to make yourself happier: Scientists have found that the simple act of smiling can lower blood pressure and release stress, giving you an instant mood boost (yes, even forced smiles count!).

10. Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth to beat brain freeze: Also referred to as “ice cream headaches,” brain freezes are caused by a rapid increase in blood flow to the brain. After you down a frozen treat, trythrusting your tongue against the roof of your mouth — this will warm up the palate and ease the flow of blood to the brain.

11. Rub Vicks Vaporub on feet for congestion: To temporarily relieve a cough, try applying the mentholated topical cream on the soles of your feet and immediately covering with a pair of socks. There is no scientific explanation for why this old wives’ trick works, but many stuffy nose-sufferers (and even nurses and doctors) swear by it.

12. Use ginger to prevent motion sickness: Twenty minutes before travel, take two capsules of powdered ginger to ease an upset stomach caused by motion sickness.

13. Shake your head to wake up sleepy feet: It happens to all of us — you’re sitting in an awkward position when all of a sudden your foot, hand or other body part falls asleep. To quickly eliminate that uncomfortable tingling sensation, move your head side to side. The movement helps relieve nerve tension.

14. Alleviate nausea by massaging wrist: Relieve nausea by lightly massaging the pressure point on the inside of your wrist, about three finger widths below the base of your palm.

15. Squeeze lemon to erase pimples: Banish breakouts by dabbing a little lemon juice on problem areas — its antibacterial properties will help kill excess bacteria and reduce acne.

16. Dab on clove oil to alleviate toothache pain: Apply a very small amount of clove oil to a cotton swab and gently dab onto the affected tooth area. The essential oil has been shown in studies to have analgesic and antibacterial properties, making it a useful tool in treating bacteria-caused toothaches.

17. Inhale onion vapors for sinus relief: Chop up an onion, put it in
a bowl and inhale the onion fumes. The vapors help open sinus passageways, providing relief from sinus pressure.

18. Stop mouth bleeds with tea bags: To stop mouth bleeds after oral surgery or injuries, apply a moistened tea bag to the affected area; the tannins in tea help the blood coagulate faster.

19. Steam to relieve nasal congestion: Steam helps to loosen mucus and clear out the sinus cavities, providing relief from nasal congestion. A hot bath works, too.

20. Sleep on your left side to prevent acid reflux: Researchers have determined that leftside sleeping helps with digestion and eases heartburn pain.

Here are some simple ways to look after tangled hair:

• Detangle when Dry: You should avoid detangling your hair when they are wet, or even while washing them. Wet hair is delicate and susceptible to breakage, and trying to open knots and tangles will cause broken hair and split ends, which can then cause your hair to get more tangled. Never comb your hair while it is wet for the same reason. It ..

Uses Foe Ginger

15 Foods That Naturally

7 Natural Health Tips for Overcoming Hypothyroidism

7 Natural Health Tips for Overcoming Hypothyroidism• Iodine
People with hypothyroidism should be careful about their intake of iodine because iodine ensures the proper activities of thyroid glands. Take care whether you are taking proper iodine or not. You should add iodized salt with your daily cooking.
• Coconut milk
Coconut milk is useful for the proper functioning of the thyroid. It helps to develop body metabolism. A glass of milk with 2 tablespoon coconut milk works excellent for hypothyroidism. Coconut milk can be consumed with your daily cooking. Coconut milk contains saturate fat that you can take with daily spicy foods like soup, Paleo and desserts.
• Ginger
Ginger is one of the effective for home remedies for hypothyroidism. It contains a strong anti-inflammatory, zinc, magnesium and potassium. You can take ginger in many ways such as tea, soup or boiling water. Take a fresh ginger and squeeze it. Boil the ginger in water then drink the water mixing with a pinch iodized salt. Taking ginger tea 4 times a day is recommended for the hypothyroidism suffering people.
• Flax seeds
Flax seeds contain high amount of omega-3 fatty acid that is important for proper functioning of the thyroid glands. People with hypothyroidism should take flax seeds daily as an excellent home remedy. Take 1 tbsp of flax seeds with a glass of water. Soak the seeds overnight. Drink the seeds infused water in the morning in empty stomach to get the best result.
• Black walnut
Black walnut is a good source of natural iodine and magnesium that helps to improve thyroid glands. People with hypothyroidism should take more black walnuts. You can take black walnut with many recipes such black walnut soda bread, black walnut chicken salad, black walnut shrimp.
• Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the most important things that body needs to fight with hypothyroidism. Vitamin D also improves metabolism and the body immune system. People with hypothyroidism should take enough Vitamin D. First day light is the natural source of Vitamin D. Yes, you can get much Vitamin D from early sunshine also. Morning light contains natural Vitamin D that helps to develop your thyroid glands. You should wake up in the early morning and go for a morning walk. Morning sun rays give you a necessary Vitamin D.
• Iodine from foods
You can get iodine from salt and black walnuts. But it would be fine if you get more sources to consume more natural iodine that significantly helps to improve your thyroids. Fish, meat, eggs, seafood, potato, parsley, radish, bananas, oatmeal, and yogurt are the impressive natural sources of iodine. You can consume these foods with a daily diet to ensure your intake of proper iodine.
• Say no to high carbohydrate
People with hypothyroidism shouldn’t take caffeine and sugar rich foods because carbohydrate does negatives for thyroids. So, to get the better thyroid health you should reduce by taking all the refined carbohydrate foods.
• Get natural fat
Natural fat works for thyroid hormonal imbalance. Insufficient fat and cholesterol may cause hormonal imbalance in thyroid glands that leads hypothyroidism. You should take natural fat and cholesterols such as ghee, avocados, flaxseeds, black walnuts, and sea fish.
• Educate yourself
People who are suffering from hypothyroidism should educate themselves about their condition. They should learn the things how they can cure and handle the situation. They also need to learn about the home remedies for hypothyroidism that can help them to control their condition naturally at home.

Drink More Water

Never Rub Your Eyes

Reasons Why You Need a Mango Every Day ~

1. Fights cancer
2. Keeps cholesterol in check
3. Skin cleanser
4. Alkalizes the body
5. Weight loss
6. Regulates diabetes
7. Aphrodisiac
8. Eye care
9. Helps in digestion

Good Food Combinations

Ten Tips To Help You Control Your High Blood Pressure~

1. Make sure your blood pressure is under 140/90 mm Hg. If your systolic pressure (the top number) is over 140, ask your doctor what you can do to lower it.

2. Take your high blood pressure medicine, if prescribed, every day. If you have questions, talk to your doctor.

3. Aim for a healthy weight. If you are overweight or obese, carrying this extra weight increases your risk of high blood pressure. One way to determine if you need to lose weight is to find out your body mass index or BMI. If your BMI is above the healthy range (i.e., 25 or greater), or if your waist measurement is greater than 35 inches (women) or 40 inches (men) you probably have excess abdominal weight and you may benefit from weight loss especially if you have other risk factors. Talk to your doctor to see if you are at increased risk for high blood pressure and need to lose weight.

4. Increase your physical activity. Do at least 30 minutes of moderate activity, such as walking, most days of the week. You can do 30 minutes in three 10-minute segments.

5. Choose foods low in salt and sodium. Most Americans should consume no more than 2.4 grams (2,400 milligrams) of sodium a day. That equals 6 grams, about one teaspoon of table salt a day. For someone with high blood pressure, the doctor may advise less.

6. Read nutrition labels. Almost all packaged foods contain sodium. Every time you prepare or eat a packaged food, know how much sodium is in one serving.

7. Keep a sodium diary. You may be surprised at how much sodium you consume each day and the diary will help you decide which foods to decrease or eliminate.

8. Use spices and herbs instead of salt to season the food you prepare at home.

9. Eat more fruits, vegetables, grains, and low-fat dairy foods.

10. If you consume alcohol at all, consume moderate amount or restrict.

Your Hearts Top 10

BANANA - Very interesting FACTS

This is interesting. After reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again.

Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.

Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.

But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.

According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.

Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.

So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has FOUR TIMES the protein, TWICE the carbohydrate, THREE TIMES the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals.. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, 'A BANANA a day keeps the doctor away!'

PS: Bananas must be the reason monkeys are so happy all the time

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Foot Reflexology

Massage the part of your foot that corresponds to the part of your body that hurts and it will slowly reduce and eventually get rid of pain. Helps promote blood circulation to that particular part of the body!